Friday, August 21, 2020

The development of recommendations for best practices in Value-Chain Essay

The improvement of suggestions for best practices in Value-Chain Integration for UK Financial Services associations receiving Business Process Outsourcing - Essay Example ater pressures on edges which, thus, drive the requirement for improved operational efficiencies; second, the need to pull together on center abilities so as to improve intensity and third, developing quantities of effectively accessible and proficient expert suppliers. Added to this is the way that innovative advances presently make it simpler for business to be led across numerous areas and organizations. It ought to be noticed that organizations are continually reconsidering their key tasks and the meaning of center and non-center is subsequently in a condition of transition. What is seen as center today won't really be seen as center tomorrow. Certain center exercises can be redistributed if there is impressive variance popular that doesn't legitimize full time increment in head tally. The choices on redistributing are commonly vital. Deming (1982, refered to by Odindo et al, 2004) informed organizations to lessen the number with respect to providers. Less providers with long haul duties can improve a company’s activity. â€Å"Not managing numerous organizations assists with limiting the complexities and costs that may result from irregularities and assortment when more than one specialist organization is used† (Odindo et al, 2004). Once in a while organizations redistribute to their rivals when the main competency to serve them is found in contenders. Odindo et al (2004) have additionally brought up that re-appropriating can be utilized to outfit advancement and ability past the limits of an organization. It is difficult or by and large feasible for an association to have all the ability required for the organization to enhance. Utilizing re-appropriating suppliers gives an organization access to the provider’s imaginative capacities. The very idea of the budgetary administrations business implies that organizations are appropriate possibility for redistributing and many have become exceptionally refined clients of these administrations. Budgetary administrations organizations have less connections to a specific geographic area than different organizations and just a little

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics: Discovering The Best Topics

Argumentative Essay Topics: Discovering The Best TopicsWhen it comes to writing a thesis statement, there are several different argumentative essay topics that you can work with. Many students will have little trouble finding a topic that they are familiar with. Most will probably be able to come up with some ideas that are applicable to the specific subject they are writing about. Others, however, may find the topic rather challenging.Most argumentative essay topics, however, can be quite broad in scope. The purpose of the essay is to provide information and insights into a particular subject. What may seem like an important topic at first, may not necessarily be one worth pursuing. As a result, you may need to rethink your original topic in order to find something that is more related to the information you need to provide.Not every topic for essay topics can be addressed with direct relevance. In fact, sometimes the topic is already addressed by a previous student or professor. Ot her times, the topic has simply been covered in a class discussion or lecture.The best way to find a topic that can address the information you need is to visit several available research sources. You can also check with other students in the course, and perhaps even some professors who are not currently teaching the course. You can also check on the Internet for resources that cover the topic.You can also consider turning to a focus group. This is often a good way to get a broad range of views on the topic. Focus groups allow you to ask many different questions about the topic. Through a focus group, you may be able to find out whether the topic has even been thought of by the majority of the class.You can also consider taking a look at the current state of the economy. Obviously, something as large as the economy cannot remain constant all year long. Students will be required to learn a variety of economic topics. The topics they study may be relevant to your topic, but it is impo rtant to evaluate how they may fit into the current economic environment.You can also consider looking at the economic trends in the country. These are probably some of the most important topics for the topics you choose. There are lots of interesting trends that will certainly require some time to examine.You may find that the current economic situation in the country may help you in the selection of a topic for your argumentative essay. As mentioned above, many current economic issues will require some research and in-depth study. Once you have identified a topic that is relevant to your topic, you can begin preparing for your essay.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Effect of Distraction on Exercise Intensity - 1046 Words

Before studying how distraction affects exercise and related physiological responses, it is important to examine previous research related to this topic. There is limited work done in this area but there are tangent matters of importance. To achieve the optimal health benefits from exercise the research supports the notion that it is necessary to exercise at a prescribed exercise intensity for a prescribed duration. Disruption in maintaining the prescribed exercise intensity may not allow the desired benefit from the exercise performed. In summary, measuring BP is an important parameter used diagnostically as well as prognostically. BP measurement not only helps to prescribe the exercise regime and gauge exercise intensity but also†¦show more content†¦The resistance of the stationary bike will be held constant throughout the 15 min exercise session with RPM and HR documented as measures of exercise intensity. HR and RPM will be noted every 15 sec between the 6th and 7th min (as a baseline measurement for physical distraction) and between the 7th and 8th min (during the physical distraction). Statistical Analyses Statistical analyses will be done using SPSS (SPSS Science, Chicago, IL) version 15.0 for Microsoft Windows. Measuring BP (physical distraction) during exercise will be the independent variable while exercise HR and stationary bike RPM will be the dependent variables that reflect exercise intensity. Data will be analyzed using dependent sample t-test comparing physical distraction data to its baseline data. S.W.O.T Strengths – Patients voluntary participation from U.S Rehab Services. This is a different study and aspect that has never been looked upon in the past. If we get positive results than this may act as a base for conducted a large scale true experimental study. Weakness – Not a true experimental study. Very small-scale study and if positive might have to look the same at large scale. Depending upon the amount of HR and RPM drop due to distraction need to know the clinical significance of the same. For example, would a drop in 3 BPM in HR due toShow MoreRelatedEffects of Exercise on Anxiety and Depression Essays956 Words   |  4 PagesCritically Analyse the Research Findings on the Acute and Chronic Effects of Exercise on Anxiety and Depression It has long been speculated that there is a relationship between exercise and it effects on anxiety and depression. However, it is not until recently that research has shown that exercise is associated with positive changes in mood and reductions in anxiety and depression. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Portrayal of Eve in John Miltons Paradise Lost Essay

Miltons Portrayal of Eve in Paradise Lost The seventeenth century poet, John Milton, takes the attitude common to the time period while portraying Eve in Paradise Lost. This epic, telling of Adam and Eves fall from Paradise and the story of creation, constantly describes Eve as a weak individual, while Adam is often compared with God. The idea of womens inferiority has been fixed through time, making Miltons characterization of Eve not surprising, but rather expected and accepted. However, Milton shows a suggestion of womens inner strength while describing the control Eve has over Adam. Nevertheless, except for this instance, Eve is depicted as subordinate to Adam. This is evident through Adam and Raphaels treatment†¦show more content†¦The remainder of her supposed downfalls lies in the mistaken ideas of Adam, Eve, and even the angel, Raphael. For at the time of creation and throughout most of history, one was considered weak while possessing those characteristics common to a woman: submissiveness, meekness, docility, etc. Therefore, Milton says, though both not equal, as their sex not equal seemed; For contemplation he and valour formed, For softness she and sweet attractive grace (IV 296). Her womanly attributes were determined by Milton to be inferior. In another instance, she is considered weak because she is too gullible. The serpent tricks her, and it is said, his words, replete with guile, Into her heart too easy entrance won (IX 733-4). Simply acting sweet and trusting, she is thought to be of a lower rank. In addition, Eve does not even merit her won creation, having been formed from Adam. Raphael tells Adam, joy thou In what He gives to thee, this Paradise And thy fair Eve (VIII 171-2). Eve was regarded as merely a mate for Adam, not a person in her own rite. In their opinion, all her actions should be for the benefit of Adam. Milton says, for nothing lovelier can be found In woman than to study household good, And good works in her husband to promote (IX 232-4). Thus, Milton holds to the Puritan belief that a wifes duty is solely to serve her husband. And of course, Eve accepts this role,Show MoreRelatedParadise Lost Critical Analysis1680 Words   |  7 PagesMilton: The Secret Feminist Throughout the poem of Paradise Lost, gender inequality is visible in the relationship between Eve and the male characters. Upon a closer look, one can see that, in a nuanced manner, the poem challenges much of the Eve’s discrimination. Common interpretations during the time period depicted Eve as a weak-minded, subservient, or evil woman. Instead of following a similar pattern, Milton goes so far as to defend Eve by forming a relatable and persuasive Satan and describingRead MoreMen and Women in British Literature Essay1194 Words   |  5 PagesThe portrayal of men and women has varied in different stories throughout history. Many portray women as beautiful, deceptive, manipulative, and smart, while men are portrayed as being strong, masculine, and easily tricked. In many of the works covered in the course â€Å"Major British Writers to 1800,† men are advised to refrain from acting lustful, believed that it would harm their overall ability to succeed in whatever the characters aimed to do. An example of this is seen in â€Å"Sir Gawain and the GreenRead MoreThe Role of Eve in Paradise Lost1589 Words   |  7 Pagesattached to Eve’s role in Paradise Lost and in the Garden of Eden is now recognised and acknowledged. (Green, 1996) Milton’s treatment of Adam and Eve’s relationship is complex. Sometimes referring to them in ways that indicate equality, (ibid) sometimes stressing their separateness as individuals (ibid) and other times they are complementary halves of a whole. (ibid) Taking on the view that many support; that Milton intended Eve to seem completely inferior to Adam, we can examine Eves role in the fall.Read MoreFeminist Analysis Of Paradise Lost By John Milton1124 Words   |  5 PagesFeminist Analysis of Paradise Lost The Book of Genesis is an introductive biblical passage in the Old Testament that summarizes the creation of the universe, humanity, and the downfall of man. Writer John Milton gives an alternate version of this phenomenon in his epic Paradise Lost that illustrates not only the consequences of disobedience from God, but the distinct gender differences between men and women. Through the perspective of feminist literary criticism, the portrayal of male domination andRead MoreParadise Lost by John Milton1447 Words   |  6 Pagesseen as inferior to men, Milton’s Paradise Lost presents a view of women that could be described as proto-feminist and advanced for its time. During the 17th century, the stereotypical women lived as â€Å"either obedient as ‘Milton Mother’ or disobedient and wanton if they neglect[ed] their responsibilities as wife, which [signified] submissiveness and motherhood† (qtd. in Wang 4). Some scholars argue that Milton used this predomin ant viewpoint of his time in Paradise Lost; Sandra Gilbert (1978) writesRead More Essay on John Milton’s Paradise Lost - Defense for the Allegory of Sin and Death1574 Words   |  7 PagesDefense for the Allegory of Sin and Death in Paradise Lost Milton claims his epic poem Paradise Lost exceeds the work of his accomplished predecessors. He argues that he tackles the most difficult task of recounting the history of not just one hero, but the entire human race. However, he does not appear to follow the conventional rules of an epic when he introduces an allegory into Paradise Lost through his portrayal of Sin and Death in Book II. Some readers denounce his work for this inconsistencyRead MoreJohn Milton s Paradise Lost1047 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost explores themes of divine power to justify the ways of God. His portrayal of Satan as the protagonist rather than the villain allows reader’s to see that God doesn’t control people’s actions, and that instead we all have free will even though He does have the power to manipulate it. By including Satan’s side to the story as well as his fall, Milton is able to inform readers about the reason for the happy fall as we ll as include themes of pride, deceit, and communicationRead More The Rape of Proserpina and Eves Fall in Miltons Paradise Lost3715 Words   |  15 Pagesin Miltons Paradise Lost She pluckd, she eat (PL IX.781). With these four monosyllables, Milton succinctly announces the Fall of Eve in Paradise Lost. Eves Fall, however, is far more complex than a simple act of eating, for her disobedience represents a much greater loss of chastity. Indeed, Milton implies that the Fall is a violation not only of Gods sole commandment but also of Eve herself, for Milton implicitly equates Diss ravishment of Proserpina with Satans seduction of Eve. MiltonRead MoreAdam Eve Lost in Paradise782 Words   |  4 PagesParadise Lost by John Milton: Discuss the relationship between Adam and Eve, as portrayed in Book 9 of Paradise Lost. How does Milton’s portrayal compare to or differ from how Adam and Eve are typically portrayed, described, or understood? Thoughts of Eve conjure images of a meek woman who is submissive and created to serve her husband. Adam is thought of as a strong, beautiful man created in the likeness of God. He is the ruler of land and sea and leader of all mankind. Their relationship isRead MoreMilton and Classical Predecessors967 Words   |  4 Pagesingenuity manifests in the form of updated storylines and personalities for the characters in his epic poems, namely those in Samson Agonistes and Paradise Lost, both based upon stories in the Bible. With that in mind, he appointed exemplars from Scripture to his tragic masterpieces as they demonstrate the outcomes of sin: Satan, Adam, and Eve in Paradise Lost, and Samson in Samson Agonistes. Brewer states that Milton praised Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound, noting â€Å"To the work of Aeschylus Milton refers

Adolescent Depression Essay Example For Students

Adolescent Depression Essay The suicide rate for adolescents has increased more than 200% over the last decade. Recent studies have shown that greater than 20% of adolescents in the general population have emotional problems and one-third of adolescents attending psychiatric clinics suffer from depression. The majority of teenage depressions can be managed successfully by the primary care physician with the support of the family, says Maurice Blackman MB, FRCPC. Adults with psychiatric illness are 20 times more likely to die from accidents or suicide than adultsIs depression in adolescents a significant problem?20% of adolescents in the general population have emotional problems and one-third of adolescents attending psychiatric clinics suffer from depression.3 Despite this, depression in this age group is greatly underdiagnosed, leading to serious difficulties inWhy is depression in this age group often missed?Adolescence is a time of emotional turmoil, mood lability, gloomy introspection, great drama and heightened sensitivity. possible suicidal ideation. What are the common symptoms of adolescent depression?Adolescent depressionmay also present primarily as a behavior or conduct disorder, substance or alcohol abuse or as family turmoil and rebellion with no obvious symptoms reminiscent of depression. How can suicide risk be determined?significant acute crisis in the teenagers life and may also involve concomitant depression. Significant stressors include divorce, parent or family discord, physical or sexual abuse and alcohol or substance abuse. The teenager who exhibitsHow can the physician best manage the patient?The teenagerTeenagers can be oppositional and negative whendepressed. The teenager is an active participant in the treatmentprocess and the physician must identify the problem to the patient and parent, offer hope and reassurance, outline treatment options and arrive at a mutually agreed-upon treatment plan. How should depression in adolescents be treated?There are two main avenues to treatment: psychotherapy and medication. Issues ofFormal family therapy may be required to deal with specific problems or issues. obsessive-compulsive disorder, learning disability or attention deficit hyperactive disorder, should be searched for and treated, ifpresent. When should medication be used?For the more serious and persistent depressions, particularly those with vegetative symptoms or suicidal ideation, medication isSSRIs are well tolerated by teenagers because oftheir fairly rapid action and low tendency to cause side effects. patient population. Most teenagers canside effects. If the physician cannot engage in conversation with thesuggested. This is particularly important if the depression is judged to be severe or if there have been some suicidal managed successfully by the primary care physician with the support of the family. 1. Murphy, JM, Monson, RR, Olivier, DC, et al: Affective disorders and mortality: A general population study. Psychiatry 44:470, 1987. 2. Hodgma, CH, McAnarny, ER: Adolescent depression and suicide: Rising problems. 3. Kovaks, M: Affective disorders in children and adolescents. 1. Lewinsohn, P, Gregory, M, Clark, N, et al: Major depression in community adolescents: Age, episode duration, and time ofJ Am Acad ChildAdolesc Psychiatry 31(6):1003,1992. Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 32(1):28,1993.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Jail Or Rehab The Governments Choice Essays - Drug Culture

Jail Or Rehab: The Government's Choice In order to solve a problem, the cause must be understood. This is why drug treatment is the right and only approach to to the drug problem in the U.S. There are many factors that lead to an addiction, whether they are socioeconomic and environmental situations, an act of rebellion, or used as an escape, millions of people turn to drugs. The current system for addressing drug use is a combination of police enforcement, prosecutorial laws, treatment and education. Stricter laws and increased police enforcement have been attempted, and have failed. Focusing all of our efforts on education would be a worthwhile alternative, but not the optimum. It would take an entire generation to see results. The American Psychiatric Association has classified an addiction as an illness: it is curable, and we know how to treat it. It is like alcoholism in that the only known way to treat a drug addict is through rehabilitation and surrounding the person with support systems. A mentally ill person is not thrown into jail, but is treated for his or her illness, as it should be with a drug addict. The positive aspects of this approach are numerous. Most drug addicts are or start when they are teenagers. With rehabilitation, one mistake commonly made by young people can be fixed, without it becoming a long-term problem. It also has a domino effect: if one kid goes, his or her peers stop taking or dealing drugs for fear of being sent to rehabilitation. More teenagers would stay in school and possibly continue with college. More treatment centers are a necessity. There would be more jobs to fill with the opening or expansion of these new treatment centers. With an increase in educational achievement and people in the workforce, there would be an overall decrease in the amount of drugs in the country. People won't feel the need to deal drugs to make money, or to do them at all. The demand will go down, and eventually so will the supply. Legal Issues

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Constitut essays

Declaration of Indep/Constitut essays The Declaration of Independence The framers of our country undertook the daunting task of creating a new country from scratch. Their intent was to create a republic that would be able to withstand the sands of time without losing sight of their democratic ideals. This they have accomplished, for the United States is the oldest large democracy in the world. But how did they succeed? During the era of our countrys birth our founding fathers set up a government that would base itself and its institutions on the idea that humans are not naturally political. In order to ensure order and sovereignty the drafters of a new regime knew that they had to establish a strong and coherent central government. However, this new government would be legitimate only if it was based on the consent of its governed citizens and had the means of checking and balancing itself. The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution differ in that the first proclaims principles about natural rights and the latter has the primary function of establishing a concrete formula for a government. Both, however, exemplify beliefs that in order for a large republic to last, it must be based on the federalist belief of a separation of power. The Declaration of Independence tells us that, all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, (Declaration). The author of the document, Thomas Jefferson, had the intent of showing that all men had the natural right of freedom. Since the British monarchy viewed colonists as mere tools for economic gains for the mother country and hence gave them almost no say in the passage of laws directly affecting them, they were inherently unequal compared to citizens that still lived in Britain who had representation in Parliament. Thus, it was our right to dis...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Calculate Mass from Density Example Problem

Calculate Mass from Density Example Problem Density is the amount of matter, or mass, per unit volume. This example problem shows how to calculate the mass of an object from a known density and volume. Simple Example (Metric Units) As an example of a simple problem, find the mass of a piece of metal that has a volume of 1.25  m3 and a density of 3.2 kg/m3. First, you should notice both the volume and the density use the volume of cubic meters. That makes the calculation easy. If the two units were not the same, youd need to convert one or the other of them so that they would be in agreement. Next, rearrange the formula for density to solve for mass. Density Mass à ·Ã‚  Volume Multiply both sides of the equation by volume to get: Density x Volume Mass or Mass Density x Volume Now, plug in the numbers to solve the problem: Mass 3.2 kg/m3 x 1.25 m3 If you see the units wont cancel out, then you know you did something wrong! If that happens, rearrange the terms until the problem works. In this example, cubic meters cancels out, leaving kilograms, which is a mass unit. Mass 4 kg Simple Example (English Units) Find the mass of a blob of water with a volume of 3 gallons. It seems easy enough, right? Most people memorize the density of water as 1... but thats in grams per cubic centimeters! Fortunately, its easy to look up the density of water in any units. Density of Water 8.34 lb/gal So, the problem becomes: Mass 8.34 lb/gal x 3 gal Mass 25 lb Problem The density of gold is 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter. What is the mass of a bar of gold in kilograms that measures 6 inches x 4 inches x 2 inches? Solution Density is equal to the mass divided by the volume.D m/VwhereD densitym massV volumeWe have the density and enough information to find the volume in the problem. All that remains is to find the mass. Multiply both sides of this equation by the volume, V and get:m DVNow we need to find the volume of the gold bar. The density we have been given is in grams per cubic centimeter but the bar is measured in inches. First we must convert the inch measurements to centimeters.Use the conversion factor of 1 inch 2.54 centimeters.6 inches 6 inches x 2.54 cm/1 inch 15.24 cm.4 inches 4 inches x 2.54 cm/1 inch 10.16 cm.2 inches 2 inches x 2.54 cm/1 inch 5.08 cm.Multiply all three of these numbers together to get the volume of the gold bar.V 15.24 cm x 10.16 cm x 5.08 cmV 786.58 cm3Place this into the formula above:m DVm 19.3 g/cm3 x 786.58 cm3m 14833.59 gramsThe answer we want is the mass of the gold bar in kilograms. There are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram, so:mass in kg mass in g x 1 kg/1000 gmass in kg 14833.59 g x 1 kg/1000 gmass in kg 14.83 kg. Answer The mass of the gold bar in kilograms measuring 6 inches x 4 inches x 2 inches is 14.83 kilograms. Tips for Success The biggest problem students make when solving for mass is not setting up the equation correctly. Remember, mass equals density multiplied by volume. This way, the units for volume cancel out, leaving the units for mass.Be sure the units used for volume and density work together. In this example, mixed metric and English units were intentionally used to show how to convert between units.Volume units, in particular, can be tricky. Remember, when you determine volume, you need to apply the correct formula. Summary of Density Formulas Remember, you can arrange one formula to solve for mass, density, or volume. Here are the three equations to use: Mass Density x VolumeDensity Mass  Ãƒ · VolumeVolume Mass  Ãƒ ·Ã‚  Density Learn More For more example problems, use the Worked Chemistry Problems. It contains over a hundred different worked example problems useful for chemistry students. This density example problem shows how to calculate the density of a material when the mass and volume are known.This example problem shows how to find the density of an ideal gas when given the molecular mass, pressure, and temperature.This example problem shows the steps necessary to convert inches to centimeters. Source CRC Press Handbook of Tables for Applied Engineering Science, 2nd Edition, 1976, Table 1-59.

Calculate Mass from Density Example Problem

Calculate Mass from Density Example Problem Density is the amount of matter, or mass, per unit volume. This example problem shows how to calculate the mass of an object from a known density and volume. Simple Example (Metric Units) As an example of a simple problem, find the mass of a piece of metal that has a volume of 1.25  m3 and a density of 3.2 kg/m3. First, you should notice both the volume and the density use the volume of cubic meters. That makes the calculation easy. If the two units were not the same, youd need to convert one or the other of them so that they would be in agreement. Next, rearrange the formula for density to solve for mass. Density Mass à ·Ã‚  Volume Multiply both sides of the equation by volume to get: Density x Volume Mass or Mass Density x Volume Now, plug in the numbers to solve the problem: Mass 3.2 kg/m3 x 1.25 m3 If you see the units wont cancel out, then you know you did something wrong! If that happens, rearrange the terms until the problem works. In this example, cubic meters cancels out, leaving kilograms, which is a mass unit. Mass 4 kg Simple Example (English Units) Find the mass of a blob of water with a volume of 3 gallons. It seems easy enough, right? Most people memorize the density of water as 1... but thats in grams per cubic centimeters! Fortunately, its easy to look up the density of water in any units. Density of Water 8.34 lb/gal So, the problem becomes: Mass 8.34 lb/gal x 3 gal Mass 25 lb Problem The density of gold is 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter. What is the mass of a bar of gold in kilograms that measures 6 inches x 4 inches x 2 inches? Solution Density is equal to the mass divided by the volume.D m/VwhereD densitym massV volumeWe have the density and enough information to find the volume in the problem. All that remains is to find the mass. Multiply both sides of this equation by the volume, V and get:m DVNow we need to find the volume of the gold bar. The density we have been given is in grams per cubic centimeter but the bar is measured in inches. First we must convert the inch measurements to centimeters.Use the conversion factor of 1 inch 2.54 centimeters.6 inches 6 inches x 2.54 cm/1 inch 15.24 cm.4 inches 4 inches x 2.54 cm/1 inch 10.16 cm.2 inches 2 inches x 2.54 cm/1 inch 5.08 cm.Multiply all three of these numbers together to get the volume of the gold bar.V 15.24 cm x 10.16 cm x 5.08 cmV 786.58 cm3Place this into the formula above:m DVm 19.3 g/cm3 x 786.58 cm3m 14833.59 gramsThe answer we want is the mass of the gold bar in kilograms. There are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram, so:mass in kg mass in g x 1 kg/1000 gmass in kg 14833.59 g x 1 kg/1000 gmass in kg 14.83 kg. Answer The mass of the gold bar in kilograms measuring 6 inches x 4 inches x 2 inches is 14.83 kilograms. Tips for Success The biggest problem students make when solving for mass is not setting up the equation correctly. Remember, mass equals density multiplied by volume. This way, the units for volume cancel out, leaving the units for mass.Be sure the units used for volume and density work together. In this example, mixed metric and English units were intentionally used to show how to convert between units.Volume units, in particular, can be tricky. Remember, when you determine volume, you need to apply the correct formula. Summary of Density Formulas Remember, you can arrange one formula to solve for mass, density, or volume. Here are the three equations to use: Mass Density x VolumeDensity Mass  Ãƒ · VolumeVolume Mass  Ãƒ ·Ã‚  Density Learn More For more example problems, use the Worked Chemistry Problems. It contains over a hundred different worked example problems useful for chemistry students. This density example problem shows how to calculate the density of a material when the mass and volume are known.This example problem shows how to find the density of an ideal gas when given the molecular mass, pressure, and temperature.This example problem shows the steps necessary to convert inches to centimeters. Source CRC Press Handbook of Tables for Applied Engineering Science, 2nd Edition, 1976, Table 1-59.

Calculate Mass from Density Example Problem

Calculate Mass from Density Example Problem Density is the amount of matter, or mass, per unit volume. This example problem shows how to calculate the mass of an object from a known density and volume. Simple Example (Metric Units) As an example of a simple problem, find the mass of a piece of metal that has a volume of 1.25  m3 and a density of 3.2 kg/m3. First, you should notice both the volume and the density use the volume of cubic meters. That makes the calculation easy. If the two units were not the same, youd need to convert one or the other of them so that they would be in agreement. Next, rearrange the formula for density to solve for mass. Density Mass à ·Ã‚  Volume Multiply both sides of the equation by volume to get: Density x Volume Mass or Mass Density x Volume Now, plug in the numbers to solve the problem: Mass 3.2 kg/m3 x 1.25 m3 If you see the units wont cancel out, then you know you did something wrong! If that happens, rearrange the terms until the problem works. In this example, cubic meters cancels out, leaving kilograms, which is a mass unit. Mass 4 kg Simple Example (English Units) Find the mass of a blob of water with a volume of 3 gallons. It seems easy enough, right? Most people memorize the density of water as 1... but thats in grams per cubic centimeters! Fortunately, its easy to look up the density of water in any units. Density of Water 8.34 lb/gal So, the problem becomes: Mass 8.34 lb/gal x 3 gal Mass 25 lb Problem The density of gold is 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter. What is the mass of a bar of gold in kilograms that measures 6 inches x 4 inches x 2 inches? Solution Density is equal to the mass divided by the volume.D m/VwhereD densitym massV volumeWe have the density and enough information to find the volume in the problem. All that remains is to find the mass. Multiply both sides of this equation by the volume, V and get:m DVNow we need to find the volume of the gold bar. The density we have been given is in grams per cubic centimeter but the bar is measured in inches. First we must convert the inch measurements to centimeters.Use the conversion factor of 1 inch 2.54 centimeters.6 inches 6 inches x 2.54 cm/1 inch 15.24 cm.4 inches 4 inches x 2.54 cm/1 inch 10.16 cm.2 inches 2 inches x 2.54 cm/1 inch 5.08 cm.Multiply all three of these numbers together to get the volume of the gold bar.V 15.24 cm x 10.16 cm x 5.08 cmV 786.58 cm3Place this into the formula above:m DVm 19.3 g/cm3 x 786.58 cm3m 14833.59 gramsThe answer we want is the mass of the gold bar in kilograms. There are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram, so:mass in kg mass in g x 1 kg/1000 gmass in kg 14833.59 g x 1 kg/1000 gmass in kg 14.83 kg. Answer The mass of the gold bar in kilograms measuring 6 inches x 4 inches x 2 inches is 14.83 kilograms. Tips for Success The biggest problem students make when solving for mass is not setting up the equation correctly. Remember, mass equals density multiplied by volume. This way, the units for volume cancel out, leaving the units for mass.Be sure the units used for volume and density work together. In this example, mixed metric and English units were intentionally used to show how to convert between units.Volume units, in particular, can be tricky. Remember, when you determine volume, you need to apply the correct formula. Summary of Density Formulas Remember, you can arrange one formula to solve for mass, density, or volume. Here are the three equations to use: Mass Density x VolumeDensity Mass  Ãƒ · VolumeVolume Mass  Ãƒ ·Ã‚  Density Learn More For more example problems, use the Worked Chemistry Problems. It contains over a hundred different worked example problems useful for chemistry students. This density example problem shows how to calculate the density of a material when the mass and volume are known.This example problem shows how to find the density of an ideal gas when given the molecular mass, pressure, and temperature.This example problem shows the steps necessary to convert inches to centimeters. Source CRC Press Handbook of Tables for Applied Engineering Science, 2nd Edition, 1976, Table 1-59.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Discuss using an extended example how annual report and accounts can Essay

Discuss using an extended example how annual report and accounts can be used to analyse and - Essay Example Other than the three key statements the annual reports include- Analysis and discussion by the company management; report relating to internal control and report stating the fairness and transparency of the financial statements. Under the management discussion and analysis section there is an explanation with regard to any significant changes in the current year’s performance over the previous years (Warren, et al., 2008, p.785). In the financial statements published by Sony Corporation for the financial year ending 2010 the Sales and operating revenue of the company for the last three financial years has been shown in a comparative way. The operating income of the company for the last three years has also been compared in the form of a bar chart. This shows how this income had dipped in 2009 but recovered, albeit marginally, in the 2010 fiscal. The marginal rise in the revenue is a positive sign for the investors as it signifies that the company has managed to overcome the losses of the previous years. Various other charts relating to Free Cash flow, Capital expenditure and R&D investment have also been shown by the company. These give an idea about the investment practices of the company. Financial ratios can be computed using the financial data of the company relating to net income, sales, financial expenses, debt, equity, assets etc. Using these one can get an idea about the liquidity strength, profitability, debt position, earnings capacity of the company. This is considered to be the most effective tool in assessing the financial soundness of the company (Gibson, 2008, p.452). For the financial year 2010 Sony has prepared a Consolidated Statement of Income where it has depicted the financial data for three years- 2010, 2009 and 2008. Using the sales and net income for this three year period one can prepare the net profit margin

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Self-evaluation (Telecommuting will be the new way that jobs are Essay

Self-evaluation (Telecommuting will be the new way that jobs are performed in the next ten years. Introduction ) - Essay Example This can act as detrimental to a section of people are not well educated or skilled to perform any other kind of jobs. (Piskurich, 2008, p.27) Another argument presented by this paper is that telecommuting can provide an employee the added advantage of selecting his/her own working environment and this can have both economic and social benefits. However, there is also a down side because it becomes the responsibility of the employee to pay the bills of electricity and heat of his own working environment and in most companies the employees are not reimbursed for these aspects. (Piskurich, 2008, p.22) The paper puts forward a third argument that telecommuting provides the employee the advantage of working from home. This can help the employee to spend more time with the family thus promoting family values and developing stronger family relations. However, this can be disadvantageous for the supervisors whose primary responsibility is to monitor the efficiency and productivity of their supervisees. The supervisors do not feel comfortable because they cannot physically see their supervisees on daily basis. If the supervision is done badly then telecommuting can further reduce its effectiveness, however it can increase supervision that is done well. There is also the problem of jealousy from colleagues as many people feel that telecommuters do not work in all working hours at home. There may be others who cannot take up telecommuting because of their nature of work. All these can arouse jealousy from colleagues. This working from home facility can have an added disadvantage for thos e companies which regularly face crisis as it causes lack of flexibility. In case of emergency when holding a meeting is required it becomes extremely difficult to bring all the employees together if majority of them work from home. Therefore telecommuting as a way of job is

Friday, January 24, 2020

General George Patton :: Free Essays

General George Patton was one of the most colorful Gen.s of the Second World War which inturn gave him the nickname â€Å"old blood and guts† (Patton history channel).In this paper I will show you the many interesting fact a bout Patton. George Patton was born in San Gabriel in California in the year 1885 He was educated â€Å"at the U.S. Military Academy†(Patton,George Smith Encarta).In 1909 at his graduation â€Å"he was commissioned as a second lieutenant†(Patton,George ENCARTA 1of 1) In 1917 he served as â€Å"aide-e-camp to the American general John Pershing On Pershings expedition to Mexico†(Patton Encarta 1 of 1). However,in France during WWI Patton opened a â€Å" tank training school and commanded a Tank brigades†(Patton, ENCARTRA 1 of 1). In ’42 & ’43 he commanded U.S. forces in â€Å"Morocco, Tunisia,and Sicily†(Patton ENCARTA 1 of 1).In that company there is a â€Å"notorious incident in which the hot-tempered general slapped a soldier suffering from battle fatigue detracted from his [ Military] record†(history channel 1of 1). Here are some fameist quotes from Patton (Dans Quote Page Patton ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." -General George S. Patton "Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack." -General George S. Patton "Do your damnedest in an ostentatious manner all the time." -General George S. Patton "Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." -Genreal George S. Patton "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." -General George S. Patton "Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." -Genreal George S. Patton These quotes came from DANS QUOTE PAGE (THANKS DAN). In early ’44 he was given command of the famous Third Army. His â€Å"controversial †¦ outspokenness ,uncompromising standards, and aggressive combat strategy, he played a key role in the headlong Allied armored thrust to Germany. Patton is best know for his

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Cause and Effect the Crusades Essay

In the High Middle Ages of the year 1095, Seljuk Turks stormed into Baghdad taking Jerusalem with them. They ravaged the towns and conquered all of Asian Minor from the Byzantine Greeks. Christian lands were burned and pillaged by an accursed race. The Byzantine emperor was in a state of emergency and requested help to fight against these people. The pope responded with a new kind of fighters to defend the lands. He called on the knights of Christendom to form a crusade. Their mission was to rescue Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslim Turks. The knights felt intense excitement and joy to fight for their religion. Their morale was high since the pope promised forgiveness for their sins if they died. Rewards and gifts would be given to those that successfully conquered the cities of the Holy Land. The Crusades won Jerusalem after losing many of their troops through hardships. They sacked Constantinople and savaged a spree of loot. Temporarily, they strengthened papal influence with successful battles to take back towns. However, later crusades declined the papal prestige since they were not able to detain the Byzantines. The Crusades were never able to successfully accomplish their mission of taking back the Holy Land but brought many long-term effects that would modify the empire. The crusaders weakened the feudal nobility since they lost many of their lands to go on expeditions. The Byzantine power also decreased with the powerful attacks from the Crusades. Religious intolerance erupted with the Muslims, Jews, and Christians. These religions used each other as scapegoats and attacked each other with hostility. The Crusades brought an increase in trade to the empire since they purchased new utensils and foods from Arab markets that benefited them. In the long run, Crusades sparked changes that would important to the future of the empire’s economy and people.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Military Service And Civilian Life - 912 Words

Not a lot of people know the actual challenges of what military men and women go through with their families. Until now, individuals have this misconception that the military life is as ordinary to any regular civilian life. Many of the common beliefs that people assume about military service members is he or she; serves their country, go out to war occasionally, and handle constant deployments easily without a struggle. While this is the case, civilians fail to recognize that military spouses and children face many obstacles when they are separated from their service member. The most difficult challenge that many families go through is separated from their service member during a deployment. Often times, individuals make the mistake that military men and women only deploy for war. However, military service members have to leave for other military purposes such as training missions and school. â€Å"Since 2008, there has been a significant increase in the number of soldiers who hav e spent two or more years (25+ months) cumulatively deployed.† (RAND) With the large amount of deployments and separation from military service members; it can be an emotional roller coaster for spouses and children. Several studies have shown that military spouses and children who are emotionally affected by their loved one being away experienced depression, anxiety, and loneliness. In addition, when service men and women are not present in their child’s life; children feel lost and doShow MoreRelatedThe Soldier For Life- Transition Assistance Program1371 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Anytime one is dealing with a transition in their life, there will always be the unknown. That’s exactly how I felt when retiring from the United States Army. 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